



在阀门站,燃气调节器将管道压力从传输水平(200至3000 psi)降低到配送水平(0.25至900 psi)。一旦燃气到达家庭或企业,它将通过另一个调节器降低服务管道中的压力,这些管道通常在60 psi至0.25 psi之间。最后,燃气到达客户的计量器,可能需要通过另一个调节器将压力降低到0.25 psi以下。

确保这些调节器正常工作至关重要,这就是AMETEK STC的Crystal Engineering XP2i数字压力表可以发挥作用的地方。在安装调节器之前,XP2i数字压力表测量输入压力,以确保管道压力符合预期。然后,它测量输出压力以验证调节器是否正常工作。安装后,例行维护要求定期测量和可能调整输入和输出压力。

由于调节器在燃气系统中的不同位置工作在不同的压力下,因此找到一款多功能的压力表至关重要。Crystal XP2i数字压力表的精度是按读数的百分比来评定的,因此可以在其范围内的任何地方准确使用。这意味着燃气公司可以在多个应用中使用同一压力表,而不是一个专门针对特定调节器的压力表。这种多功能性不仅可以节省公司的初始投资,还可以节省年度维护和校准成本。






Testing Gas Regulators with the XP2i Digital Pressure Gauge


One of the essential components of the natural gas system is the pressure regulator. A pressure regulator takes an input fluid or gas and reduces it to the desired value for the output. When used in the natural gas system, the regulator will reduce the gas pressure for a variety of reasons.


At gate stations, gas regulators reduce the line pressure from transmission levels (200 to 3000 psi) to distribution levels (0.25 to 900 psi). Once the gas reaches a home or business, it will go through another regulator to reduce the pressure in service lines, which typi cally flow between 60 psi and 0.25 psi. Finally, the gas reaches a customer’s meter, where it may need to pass through another regulator to reduce its pressure to under 0.25 psi.


Assuring that these regulators are working correctly is vital, and that’s where the Crystal Engineering XP2i from AMETEK STC can help. Before installing a regulator, the XP2i digital pressure gauge measures the input pressure to assure that line pressure is as ex pected. It then measures the output pressure to verify that the regulator is working cor rectly. Following installation, routine maintenance requires that both input and output pressures are measured and possibly adjusted periodically.


Because regulators work at different pressures depending on where in the natural gas system they are, finding a versatile pressure gauge is critical. The Crystal XP2i is rated as a percent of reading so that it can be used accurately anywhere within its range. This means that gas companies can use the same gauge for multiple applications, rather than having one gauge tailored to a spe cific regulator. This versatility saves companies money on their initial investment as well as annual maintenance and calibration costs.


In addition to the percent of reading accuracy, the XP2i is an easy-to use, rugged, digital gauge that has been trusted by gas companies around the world for the precise and reliable measurements they pro vide. The gauges are designed for the rough, in-the-field environments in which many pipes are located. They are also temperature compen sated, so the accuracy of the gauges will not be degraded if it’s used between -10 to 50°C (14 to 122°F).


For customers looking to record the data collected from their testing, the XP2i with op tional DataLoggerXP upgrade records up to 32,000 data points (as fast as one reading per second). Free software downloads the information to a spreadsheet for easy stor age and accessibility.

