通过使用JOFR RTC-156B干体式温度校准器,您可以避免繁琐且缓慢的液体槽校准。相反,您将得到一个完整、准确、快速和便携的校准解决方案。UHT系统的标准解决方案包括一个小型参考传感器,它与卫生型短支传感器并排放置在插块中(如右侧所示),采用双区技术。2025-02-13
确保这些调节器正常工作至关重要,这就是AMETEK STC的Crystal Engineering XP2i数字压力表可以发挥作用的地方。在安装调节器之前,XP2i数字压力表测量输入压力,以确保管道压力符合预期。然后,它测量输出压力以验证调节器是否正常工作。安装后,例行维护要求定期测量和可能调整输入和输出压力。2025-02-06
Wireless Hazardous Area Measurement
Enhancing Safety & Efficiency in Hazardous Areas with XP3i Bluetooth Pressure Gauges
A Customer in Western Canada faced significant challenges when testing processes used in their production of hazardous chemicals. Their tests require technicians to adhere to strict safety protocols, often including wearing a full set of personal protective equipment (PPE), such as specialized protective clothing, respirators, and other gear.2025-01-23
nVision in Hazardous Areas
This case study demonstrates the transformative impact of the nVision Reference Recorder in overcoming modern industrial challenges. With the support of Naizak Global Engineering Systems and AMETEK, the company not only resolved its immediate challenges but also established new benchmarks for efficiency, safety, and precision. The nVision Reference Recorder continues to prove itself as an invaluable tool for industries demanding excellence.2024-12-23
干体炉是我们现场温度校准的常用仪器,随着其应用的日趋广泛,如何正确的使用干体炉,已成为计量人关注的话题。作为干体炉的生产厂家,欧洲EURAMET-cg/13 校准指南《Calibration of Temperature Block Calibrators》及 中国 JJF1257-2010 《干体式温度校准器校准方法》的起草人之一,结合40多年研发、生产、应用的经验,就以下几个方面分享有关如何正确使用干体炉:2024-12-05
Is it possible to calibrate three short surface sensors in one run with documented uncertainty?
Problem Solved by RTC-168
The primary challenge Bavarian Nordic faced was the need to ensure the temperature sensors provided consistent readings while avoiding temperature drift that could affect product safety. The calibration needed to meet stringent accuracy requirements to ensure that the measurement uncertainty remained well below the Max Permissible Error (MPE).2024-11-09